I need to Own,Know and Have !!!!
Yes, I need to own a firearm. I Need to know my legal rights. I need to have a conceal pistol license. I need to be train and prepare to use the fire arm. I need to be insured in case I shoot some one in self defense. Who can HELP ME.
We at High Level Self Defense are ready to help you meet all your needs for your personal defense and family.
We want you to be part of the team to work, practice and motivate the defense of the family.
Our courses will teach you the basic principles of empty hand Self Defense, Knife attacks and firearms and to work together with your family in an event or situation a of self defense.
Please Select or Check any or all the section and we will customize a training course for you for you.
1)I need to own a firearm
2)I Need to know my legal rights
3)I need to have a conceal pistol license
4)I need to have a conceal pistol license
5)I need to be insured in case I shoot some one in self defense.